Dykes on Bikes® Winnipeg, CA Women’s Motorcycle Contingent is a registered non-profit organization committed to creating a local, national and international community of women motorcyclists and friends of women motorcyclists. Our mission is to support philanthropic endeavors in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Two-Spirit, and women’s communities, and to reach out to empower a community of diverse women through rides, charity events, Pride events and education.

Supporting 2SLGBTQ+ Communities

Our History

Humble Beginnings
Dykes on Bikes® made their first Pride event debut with a group of 20 to 25 women in 1976 in San Francisco, CA -- This was only the beginning of the movement.

Growing Together
Today, Dykes on Bikes® boasts over 20 international chapters, all overseen from the main chapter located in San Francisco where it all began.

History Made
In 2019, San Francisco approved the first official Canadian Chapter of Dykes on Bikes® Women’s Motorcycle Contingent in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is your Mission Statement?
Dykes on Bikes® Winnipeg, CA Women’s Motorcycle Contingent is a registered non-profit organization committed to creating a local, national and international community of women motorcyclists and friends of women motorcyclists. Our mission is to support philanthropic endeavors in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Two-Spirit, and women’s communities, and to reach out to empower a community of diverse women through rides, charity events, Pride events and education.
When did you become an official chapter?
We were officially voted in as a chapter of the San Francisco Dykes on Bikes® Women’s Motorcycle Contingent in early 2019, joining over 20+ chapters around the world with a common goal of helping our communities. We officially registered as a non-profit organization in fall of the same year.
Isn't "Dyke" a bad word?
Not anymore. The organization first formed in 1976, when a small contingent of women motorcyclists gathered at the head of the San Francisco Pride Parade. That first year, they coined the informal name “Dykes on Bikes”. Consistent with the “pride” theme, they chose to use the name “dykes” precisely because of its history as a slur. The message it conveyed was, in part, that being a dyke was not something to be ashamed of. Rather than remaining hidden in private homes and clubs, lesbians could be out and proud, riding powerful machines at the front of parades celebrating the civil rights of 2SLGBTQ+ people. The societal and personal impact of the Dykes on Bikes® trademark has helped transform “dyke” from an epithet to a word commonly used by lesbians to refer to themselves with pride.
Are you a club/gang?
No way! We are a Women’s Motorcycle Contingent composed of representatives for the movement of Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (2SLGBTQ+) equality and empowerment. By riding in Pride parades and hosting philanthropic events, our sole purpose is to increase visibility and educate others on the past and present struggles of those in the 2SLGBTQ+ community in a continued fight for civil rights and equality.
Dykes on Bikes® is a non-profit organization composed of lesbian motorcycle riders and their allies. Dykes on Bikes® uses its trademark to cultivate a brand of political activism and awareness, supporting the civil rights of lesbians and working to fight harmful stereotypes about lesbians and the entire 2SLGBTQ+ community.
How do I join?
We are accepting prospects, allies, and supporters! You do not need to ride a motorcycle to be a part of Dykes on Bikes® Winnipeg, CA.
Contact us for more information on how to join the movement!

Community Partners